Menanti detik-detik khilfah di Syria

Mungkin benar mengikut laporan berita terbaru bahawa rejim Bashar al-Assad di Damsyik semakin hari semakin berputus asa dalam menghadapi serangan oleh para pejuang Syria yang tidak pernah berhenti melakukan serangan. Tidak hairan jika Assad jadi gelap mata, dan bersedia untuk menggunakan senjata kimia terhadap rakyat negaranya sendiri.

Assad sendiri, semua broker kuasa utama dalam pemerintahannya dan hampir semua pegawai tentera negara itu sudah menyakini bahawa perang ini adalah masalah "membunuh atau dibunuh".

Para Alawiyah di Syria mempunyai para pembela di dunia Arab, baik kerana sifat ortodoks agama Syiah, yang telah direvolusikan menjadi Revolusi Islam (harap dicatat-ini hanya sekadar nama sahaja!) sejak akhir 1960-an. Secara keseluruhannya, Damsyik ketika ini dilihat sebagai kepingan kepentingan Iran di wilayah tersebut. Namun, kejatuhan rejim Assad yang masih jauh dari jantungnya tidak akan banyak membuat dunia Arab berkabung, di luar Tehran dan di kalangan Hizbullah.

Apakah kejatuhan rejim Syiah Assad akan dirayaikan oleh pihak Barat? Ini masih jadi soalan besar.

Para ekspatriat yang ada di Syria sudah lama menyingkir. Orang-orang yang pada akhirnya akan mengambil alih kuasa di Syria adalah lelaki bersenjata yang menguasai jalan-jalan di desa dan di bandar. Pembunuhan yang mereka alami membuat mereka tidak berbicara dengan suara kerana mereka hanya ingin melindungi keluarga mereka dan masyarakat dari serangan tentera-tentera rejim Assads.

Bagaimana dengan kewujudan Al-Qaeda di bumi Syria? Momok mengatakan mujahid menyusup sebagai pembangkang di Syria dan kemudiannya berkuasa di Damsyik adalah fikiran yang sangat mustahil, bahkan terlalu mengada-gada. 

Banyak dari para pejuang ketika ini berjuang menentang rejim Syria mengasah kemahiran gerila mereka di Iraq. Belajar teknik pertempuran di bandar juga di Iraq dari 2003 hingga 2007. Mereka yang tidak terbunuh di Iraq memilih kembali ke Syria dan mengangkat senjata melawan rejim mereka sendiri. Kemampuan mereka untuk membunuh sejumlah besar pasukan rejim dari awal  perang bermula merupakan indikasi kemahiran mereka sudah lalui.

Juga selepas beberapa bulan berjuang, dan mungkin masih panjang lagi perang akan tamat di Syria, para pejuang Mujahidin Syria dengan penderitaan dan kepentingan yang sama sudah mencapai satu tekad besar. Selepas Assad tumbang, Damsyik akan menjadi tempat pertama Islam ditegakkan dengan bendera perang bukan melalui parlimen dan undang-undang. Tidak hairan jika Amerika sudah mula tiba diperairan laut arab dan menghantar sebahagian induk kapal perangnya di sekitar Syria. Siapa tahu Subuh lah yang akan berdebum di Syria esok hari.
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abu bakar said…
Syrian opposition coalition gets official recognition from US KAREN DEYOUNG AND BABAK DEHGHANPISHEH , THE WASHINGTON POST WEDNESDAY 12 DECEMBER 2012

Syria's rebels fighters have urged their Western backers to speed up plans to help them against the Assad regime, claiming the delay is leading to setbacks.
An offensive by the revolutionaries in Damascus came to a halt because of a lack of heavy weapons and supplies running out, according to some of those who had taken part.
The Independent revealed today that Britain is part of an international coalition drawing up plans to provide combat training for the opposition and support them with air and naval power. General Sir David Richards, head of the UK's armed forces, hosted a meeting with the military chiefs of France, Turkey, Jordan, Qatar, the UAE and a three-star American general to discuss the strategy.
There were conflicting reports of a "massacre" in an Alawite village in Hama province last night. It was unclear who was behind a series of explosions in Aqrab with unconfirmed reports of casualties varying from 10 dead to 200 injured or killed. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights put the figure at 125.
The decision by the UK, US and France to consider intervention was partly due to extremist jihadist factions getting the lion's share of arms and money coming from the Gulf at the expense of moderate groups. Yesterday, the US State Department labelled the most prominent jihadist group, Jabhat al-Nusra, which has links with al-Qa'ida, a terrorist organisation, making it illegal for American citizens to fund it.
Amar Mohammed Abbadallah, of the Al-Farouq brigade, a rebel group opposed to Al-Nusra, said today: "The Americans have made them illegal? So what? They will continue to get weapons from Qatar and other places. What the Americans and the British should do is help us."
The Obama administration last night recognised the new rebel political umbrella group, National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces.
abu bakar said…
Any further attacks by Syrian rebels on Hezbollah and its followers will lead to further fighting in Syria, Nasrallah warned.
“You claim that you are defending the Syrian people, that you are punishing Hezbollah for its presence in Syria...but you are the ones who are causing the most suffering for the Syrian people. You are the ones blowing up mosques, killing children, sending car bombs to cities,” he said. “But where we (Hezbollah) fight, we fight in accordance with our values. We never harmed a prisoner, we didn't kill civilians.”
“You are striking the wrong place,” he added. “If the battle requires for me and all of Hezbollah to go to Syria, then we’ll go to Syria.”
“Our response to any further bombings will be that if we have 100 fighters in Syria, they will become 200. If we have 1,000 fighters, they will become 2,000, and if we have 10,000, they will become 20,000 fighters.”
“This battle will be costly, yes, but it will be less costly than being slaughtered like sheep,” he affirmed.
Nasrallah also mentioned an ambush against Israeli soldiers who had crossed the Lebanese border on August 7.
“It is no longer allowed for any Israeli soldier to take one step into Lebanese territory,” he said. “The era of military tourism in Lebanon has ended without return.”
abu bakar said…
Any further attacks by Syrian rebels on Hezbollah and its followers will lead to further fighting in Syria, Nasrallah warned.
“You claim that you are defending the Syrian people, that you are punishing Hezbollah for its presence in Syria...but you are the ones who are causing the most suffering for the Syrian people. You are the ones blowing up mosques, killing children, sending car bombs to cities,” he said. “But where we (Hezbollah) fight, we fight in accordance with our values. We never harmed a prisoner, we didn't kill civilians.”
“You are striking the wrong place,” he added. “If the battle requires for me and all of Hezbollah to go to Syria, then we’ll go to Syria.”
“Our response to any further bombings will be that if we have 100 fighters in Syria, they will become 200. If we have 1,000 fighters, they will become 2,000, and if we have 10,000, they will become 20,000 fighters.”
“This battle will be costly, yes, but it will be less costly than being slaughtered like sheep,” he affirmed.
Nasrallah also mentioned an ambush against Israeli soldiers who had crossed the Lebanese border on August 7.
“It is no longer allowed for any Israeli soldier to take one step into Lebanese territory,” he said. “The era of military tourism in Lebanon has ended without return.”